Our faculty are internationally known for their research in the areas of families, and gender; health, aging, and the life course; environmental and resource sociology; race and ethnicity; criminology and criminal justice; and psychology and law. We take great pride in the fact that our faculty are involved in interdisciplinary research projects that span nearly of all of the University’s colleges and academic programs, including: the School of Natural Resources and the Environment, the Water Institute, the Emerging Pathogens Institute, the Center for Latin American Studies, the Center for European Studies, the Center for Women’s Studies and Gender Research, the Health Science Center, and the Jewish Studies Center. Wherever you go on campus, you will most likely find at least one Sociologist or Criminologist from our department making major contributions.
Below is a full list of our current and emeritus faculty, with links to detailed biographies and curriculum vitae. To narrow your search for faculty by department, please use the sidebar links to access the sociology or criminology, law and society directories. Please note, however, that many of our faculty teach both sociology and criminology courses, so while they may call one field their home, there is substantial overlap within our department. In the sidebar, you can also find links to our current graduate students and those recently graduated.