Approved Interdisciplinary Electives for Criminology Majors
A maximum of 9 semester hours of the 34 hours required of all majors can be satisfied by completing approved interdisciplinary courses with a grade of “C” or higher. The only approved courses are the following:
You must meet the prerequisite to register for any interdisciplinary elective toward the major. The prerequisite does not count toward the major.
For students who matriculated at UF in Fall 2017 or after:
- AEB 4085 Agricultural Risk Management and the Law
- AMH 3551 Constitutional History of the U.S. to 1877
- Prerequisite required: 3 credits of history
- AMH 3552 Constitutional History of the U.S. from 1877
- Prerequisite required: 3 credits of history
- AMH 3558 United States Legal History
- Prerequisite required: 3 credits of history
- AMH 4316 Violence and Social Conflict in American History
- AMH 4319 Crime and Punishment in American History
- AMH 4550 Origins of the US Constitution
- ANT 3451 Race and Racism
- ANT 3520 Skeleton Keys: Forensic Identification
- ANT 4273 Anthropology of Law
- ANT 4740 Introduction to Forensic Sciences
- BUL 4310 Legal Environment of Business
- Prerequisite required: (ECO2023 or ENC1101 or POS2041) and sophomore or junior standing
- ECP 4451 Law and Economics
- Prerequisite required: ECO2023 and (MAC2233 or higher level calculus course) and (ECO3101 or ECP3703)
- EEX 4520 Disability: Legal Aspect and Policy
- Prerequisite required: EEX2000 or EEX3093
- ENC 3464 Writing in the Social Sciences
- Prerequisite required: ENC1101 or ENC1102
- ENC 3465 Writing in the Law
- Prerequisite required: ENC1101 or ENC1102
- LEI 4800 Legal Aspects of Tourism, Events, and Recreation
- Prerequisite required: LEI2181 and LEI3301
- MDU 4301 Medicine and the Law
- Prerequisite required: MDU4003
- MMC 4200 Law of Mass Communication
- Prerequisite required: Junior standing or higher
- PAD 3003 Introduction to Public Administration
- Prerequisite required: POS2041
- POS 3603 American Constitutional Law
- Prerequisite required: POS2041 and junior standing or higher
- POS 3606 American Civil Liberties
- Prerequisite required: POS2041
- POS 4624 Race, Law and the Constitution
- SPM 4723 Legal Issues in Sport and Physical Activity
- Prerequisite required: SPM2000 and junior standing or higher
- STA 3024 Introduction to Statistics 2
- Prerequisite required: STA2023 or the equivalent
- STA 4222 Sample Survey Design
- Prerequisite required: (STA4321 and STA 2023) or STA3032 or STA4322
- SYP 3510 Deviance
- URP 4882 Defensible Space and CPTED in Urban Design
- Prerequisite required: Junior standing or higher
For students who matriculated prior to Fall 2017, these courses are also acceptable:
- AEB 4123 Law Applied to Agriculture
- CLP 3144 Abnormal Psychology
- ENC 3254 Professional Writing for the Discipline (3 credits maximum)
- HIS 4306 Alcohol and History
- LEI 4501 Legal Aspects of Recreation, Parks and Tourism
- PAD 4604 Administrative Law and Regulatory Politics
- PHM 4440 Philosophy of Law
- PSB 4065 Psychobiology of Abnormal Behavior
- PUP 4021 Law, Politics, and Public Interest
- REL 4179 Religious Perspectives on Ethics, Law, and Public Policy
- SYP 3542 Comparative Legal Institutions
- SYP 4530 Juvenile Delinquency
- SYP 4540 Sociology of Law
- AMH 4524 The Warren Court
- SOP 3842 Psychology, Law and Justice
Students who matriculated with a catalog year prior to 2002, please contact the undergraduate coordinator at if you have questions about approved interdisciplinary courses.