Lunchtime Colloquium Series: Edo Navot
Turlington 3302 (Streib Conference Room)Presenter: Edo Navot; Presentation Title: “Towards a Constructivist Stratification”
Presenter: Edo Navot; Presentation Title: “Towards a Constructivist Stratification”
Presenters: Jaquoi Dorsett, Jomelys Gonzalez-Molina, Ashley Guarino, Makenna Morrow, Asha Puthanveetil, Sergio Ray, Olivia Schick, and Nik Solano; Presentation Title: “Parasocial Relationships and Mental Health” This research was conducted as …
Presenter: Megan Cogburn; Presentation Title: “Faking Pain, Finding Recognition: On Gender and Structural Inequalities in a Tanzanian Hospital” This research was conducted in collaboration with Dr. Adrienne Strong, Emma Hanley, …
Presenter: Bhavna Sharma & Monika Ardelt; Presentation Title: “Delineating the Characteristics of Wise Organizations and Wise Leaders”