Ethnography Lab Writing Group
Turlington 3322For further information about the meeting or to receive a Zoom link for virtual attendance, please contact Dr. Rebecca Hanson at
For further information about the meeting or to receive a Zoom link for virtual attendance, please contact Dr. Rebecca Hanson at
Discussing materials presented by Lorena Romero. For further information about the meeting or to receive a Zoom link for virtual attendance, please contact Dr. Rebecca Hanson at
Presenter: Martina Speranza; Presentation Title: “Populism and Gender, the Case of transgender people in Argentina”
Dr. McClellan will present information regarding syllabi and grading followed by a Q&A session.
Please join us for the Sociology Undergraduate Reception on Friday, May 3, 2:00-3:30PM in the Friends of Music Room (in the University Auditorium). We will honor our graduating seniors, honors …
Dr. McClellan will host a welcome back session in which graduate instructors can discuss how the first two weeks of class have been going and receive guidance on any concerns …
Presenter: Dr. William Marsiglio; Presentation Title: "People, Places, and Belonging: Deepening Our Sense of Community and Identity" In the first Lunchtime Colloquium of the Fall semester, Dr. Marsiglio will present …
Join us for UF International Ethnography Lab's Welcome Back Social. Please come when you can, leave when you need to. This an informal time to gather together with other interested …
Presenter: Lin Liu; Presentation Title: “Reentry Simulation: A Case of Experiential Learning in Classroom Settings”