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Sociology and Criminology & Law

June 13, 2020 — Raffaele Vacca

Race and racism: resources and courses in sociology and criminology

Our faculty collectively developed a list of department courses and resources, including readings and data sources, to allow ourselves, our students, and others to learn more. Below we link the full list of resources and related courses for Fall 2020.

List of resources

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Fall 2020 Courses

Race-Focused Courses

SYD3700 Minorities in American Society
SYD4800 Sociology of Gender
SYA4930 International Migration

Inequalities-Focused Courses (with substantial attention to race and other inequality systems)

SYO4530 Social Inequalities
CCJ4934 Death Penalty
SYA4930 Sociology of Sexualities
CCJ4934 Media and Crime
SYA4930/CCJ4934 Violence Across the Life Course
CJL4410 Criminal Procedures
SYG2430 Marriage and Family
SYP4520 Criminology

Social Justice and Social Change Courses

SYA4930/CCJ4934 Social Movements
CJL3038 Law and Society
CCJ4934 Terrorism
SYA4930 Israeli Society
SYA4930 Climate Change and Society