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Sociology and Criminology & Law

Career Information

Florida offers exciting positions that begin with a Bachelor’s degree in criminology.


A degree in law, or a juris doctorate, offers the opportunities to preside over a courtroom, join in legal academics and professorship, and trains students in legal representation. A standardized test, the LSAT (opens in new tab), is required for admission to any law school. The same organization that offers the LSAT, the Law School Admission Council (LSAC), also offers assistance in applying to law school by allowing applicants to fill out one universal application that is accepted by all ABA-approved law schools in the United States. This application is called the LSACD (opens in new tab). Students interested in going to law school should visit CLAS’s webpage on law school information (opens in new tab).


Joining the ranks of the swiftly growing field of criminology is one of the most promising positions in academia. Generally, there are two levels of academic positions: one which requires a Master’s degree which allows the recipient to lecture at a community college level, and the other requires a Ph.D. which allows the recipient to research and lecture at the university level. The American Society of Criminology updates a list of schools that offer graduate programs in criminology and criminal justice (opens in new tab).

State and Local Agencies

Florida offers exciting positions that begin with a Bachelor’s degree in criminology. See Florida’s employment website (opens in new tab) for the many possibilities. Also, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (opens in new tab) offers exciting positions around the state.

Forensic Science

The forensic sciences is a broad classification of occupations that all have the common link of the pursuit of truth through legal investigations. From criminalistics and crime scene investigation to the analysis of bite marks, computer signatures, and paper trails, the wide spectrum of forensic science offers positions that are both intellectually satisfying and cutting edge. A wealth of answers about careers and education in the forensic sciences can be found on the American Academy of Forensic Sciences (opens in new tab) website.

Sworn Officers and Policing

More police forces are raising the requisites for hiring officers to that of earning a Bachelor’s degree. There are other standards (opens in new tab) to which sworn officer prospects must meet to be hired in the State of Florida as with other states. In many cases, additional training is required to learn the skills needed to be successful in enforcing the law. Once one has received the training to become a sworn officer, it may take up to a year to complete the application and hiring process depending on the agency applied to. Those interested should contact prospective employers early on in the application process.