Our combination of size, intellectual diversity, and strong specialty areas, plus the ambience of a university community, makes the University of Florida an ideal setting in which to pursue advanced training in Sociology or Criminology.
A Bachelor’s degree provides an excellent liberal arts foundation for embarking upon a wide range of career paths including those in business and the human services. Sociology and Criminology are excellent majors for students who wish to do graduate study in law, business, education, counseling, medicine, politics, public administration, social work, criminology, and sociology.
View information about our undergraduate Sociology program.
Undergraduate Coordinator
Dr. Tanya Koropeckyj-Cox Email
3227 Turlington – please email for current semester walk-in office hours.
Zoom meetings require an appointment.
(352) 294-7177
Click here to view Dr. Levett’s welcome back email to majors.
All students who need advising assistance from Criminology should email ugadvising@crim.ufl.edu (residential Students) or ufocrimadvising@crim.ufl.edu (UF Online Students). Many questions can be addressed via email.
Some of our advisors have both in-person office hours and Zoom appointments, while others are available via Zoom and phone (for UFO Majors).
Please email for current semester walk-in office hours.
View information about our undergraduate Criminology program.
Undergraduate Advising
Dr. Lora Levett, Undergraduate Coordinator
Office: TUR 3336
Dr. Rivera (Undergraduate Advisor, primarily residential majors):
Office: TUR 3331
Dr. Jenson (Undergraduate Advisor, primarily UFO majors):
Zoom: 99450606194 / Phone: 408-758-5299