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Sociology and Criminology & Law

Ravi Ghadge






Ravi Ghadge is an Assistant Instructional Professor in Sociology in the Department of Sociology and Criminology & Law. He obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Dr. Ghadge specializes in urban and transnational studies.

Dr. Ghadge’s research has broadly focused on social inequality, manifested across national, regional (urban and rural), class, and racial contexts, employing interpretive and interdisciplinary approaches from global, urban, and development studies. Dr. Ghadge’s recent research projects involve an examination of the agrarian crisis in India and a multidisciplinary collaboration with undergraduate students on the affective dimensions of racial experiences.

Dr. Ghadge has previously taught undergraduate and graduate courses at the University of Pune, India, Georgia State University, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Southern Polytechnic State University, and Kennesaw State University. Dr. Ghadge has taught a wide array of sociology courses that include Introduction to SociologyProfessional Development for Sociology StudentsSocial ProblemsRace and EthnicityFoundations of Social TheoryResearch MethodsGlobal Inequality, Transnational Sociology, and Sociology of South Asia. In 2021, Dr. Ghadge received the Outstanding Teaching Award from the Georgia Sociological Association.



  • Principles of Sociology (SYG 2000)
  • Social Problems (SYG 2010)
  • Social Inequality (SYO 4530)
  • Transnational Sociology (SYA 4930)
  • Sociology of South Asia (SYA 4930)


  • Urban Sociology
  • Transnational Sociology
  • Agrarian Crisis
  • Racial Emotions
  • Qualitative Methods


Treiber, L. A, E. W. Sterling, and R. Ghadge. 2023. “Exploring Racial and Ethnic Identities with PechaKucha.” Currents in Teaching and Learning 15(1): 38-50, September.

Ghadge, R. 2019. “Toward a Critical Understanding of the World/Global City Paradigm.” The Journal of Public and Professional Sociology 11(1).

Ghadge, R. 2018. “Connections and Disconnections: The Making of Bombay/Mumbai as India’s “Global City”.” Journal of Global Initiatives: Policy, Pedagogy, Perspective 13(1): 55-76. doi: 10.32727/11.2018.232.

Ghadge, R. 2018. “Inclusive growth and the urban question: Some lessons from Asia,” in Kris Bezdecny and Kevin Archer (ed.), Handbook of Emerging 21st-Century Cities, Northampton, Massachusetts: Edward Elgar Publishing Inc, pp. 245-269. doi: 10.4337/9781784712280.00022.

Ghadge, R. 2016. “Understanding the Bombay textile strike of 1982-1983.” Workers of the World—International Journal on Strikes and Social Conflict 1(8): 160-179. urn:nbn:de:hbz:464-20161121-154107-0.

Ghadge, R. 2010. “Globalizing Marginality: Spatial Politics of 21st Century Mumbai,” The Journal of Interdisciplinary Policy Research and Action 4(1): 54-81.

Jaret, C., R. Ghadge, L.W. Reid, and R. M. Adelman. 2009. “The Measurement of Suburban Sprawl: An Evaluation,” City & Community 8(1): 65-84.
doi: 10.1111/j.1540-6040.2009.01270.x.


Ravi Ghadge, Ph.D.
Assistant Instructional Professor of Sociology
Office: Turlington Hall, Room 3111
PO Box 117330
Department of Sociology and Criminology & Law
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32611