The Department of Sociology and Criminology & Law is home to a thriving community of academics who produce high quality work that we value and wish to highlight. The following are recent publications from faculty within our department.
A more complete list of publications can be found on each faculty member’s CV, accessibly through the directory page. Please note that some of the links below may require institutional or individual access to journals.
- Ardelt, M., & Ferrari, M. (2019). “Effects of wisdom and religiosity on subjective well-being in old age and young adulthood: Exploring the pathways through mastery and purpose in life.” International Psychogeriatrics, 31, 477–489.(opens in new tab)
- Ferrari, M., Bang, H., Ardelt, M., & Feng, Z. (2019). “Educating for virtue: How wisdom coordinates informal, non-formal and formal education in motivation to virtue in Canada and South Korea.” Journal of Moral Education, 48(1), 47-64.
- Brady, Michael, Monika Ardelt, Margaret Plews-Ogan, and Stephen Pope. 2019. “Adversity, Conflict, Wisdom.” The Journal of Value Inquiry, 53, 463–465. doi: 10.1007/s10790-019-09704-6.
- Plews-Ogan, Margaret, Monika Ardelt, and Justine E. Owens. 2019. “Growth through Adversity: Exploring Associations between Virtues, Posttraumatic Growth, and Wisdom.” The Journal of Value Inquiry, 53, 371–391. doi: 10.1007/s10790-0189659-4.
- Brooke, E.J. & Peck, J.H. (2019). Does the Military Make the (Wo)man? An Examination of Gender Differences among Incarcerated Veterans. Crime & Delinquency, 65(14), 1925–1948. DOI: 10.1177/0011128718779570
- Baldwin J.M. & Brooke, E.J. (2019). Pausing in the Wake of Rapid Adoption: A Call to Critically Examine the Veterans Treatment Court Concept. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 58(1), 1-29. DOI: 10.1080/10509674.2018.1549181
- Baldwin, J.M., Hartley, R., & Brooke, E.J. (2019). Identifying Those Who Served: Modeling Potential Participant Identification in Veterans Treatment Courts. (Special Issue: “Veteran Treatment Courts”). Drug Court Review, 11, 11-31.
- Abigail A. Fagan, J. David Hawkins, Richard F. Catalano, and David P. Farrington. 2019. Communities That Care: Building Community Engagement and Capacity to Prevent Youth Behavior Problems. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
- Fagan, Abigail A, Brian K. Bumbarger, Richard P. Barth, Catherine P. Bradshaw, Brittany Rhoades Cooper, Lauren H. Supplee, and Deborah Klein Walker. 2019. “Scaling-up Evidence-based Interventions in U.S. Public Systems to Prevent Behavioral Health Problems: Challenges and Opportunities.” Prevention Science 20(8): 1147-1168.
- Lowe, C. Cory and Abigail A. Fagan. 2019. “Gender Composition of Editors and Editorial Boards in Seven Top Criminal Justice and Criminology Journals from 1985 to 2017.” Journal of Criminal Justice Education 30(3): 424-443.
- Ghadge, R. 2019. “Toward a Critical Understanding of the World/Global City Paradigm.” The Journal of Public and Professional Sociology 11(1).
- Antle, K., Gibson, C.L., & Krohn, M.D. (2019). “The mediating role of family dynamics in the relationship between incarceration and child behavior problems.” Journal of Crime and Justice, 43(1) 16-35.
- Rebecca Hanson and Patricia Richards. Harassed: Gender, bodies, and ethnographic research. 2019. Oakland, CA: University of California Press.
- Rebecca Hanson. 2019. “Gender & urban ethnography”. In Research in Urban Sociology, eds. Richard E. Ocejo and Ray Hutchison, pp.173-192. Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing.
- Rebecca Hanson and Patricia Richards. 2019. “Harassment and violence in qualitative research and why we ignore it.” Crime, Law, and Deviance News: Newsletter for the Crime, Law, and Deviance section of the American Sociological Association Fall/Winter: 4-6.
- Lane, Jodi, Armstrong, Gaylene S., & Kathleen A. Fox. (2019). “Fear of Victimization Among Incarcerated Gang and Non-Gang Youths: Examining the Effects of Institutional “Neighborhood” Characteristics and Gang Membership”. Youth & Society 51/3: 417-439.
- McAuliff, B.D., Hunt, J.S., Levett, L.M., Zelechoski, A.D., Scherr, K.C., & DeMatteo, D. (2019). Taking the next steps: Promoting open science and expanding diversity in Law and Human Behavior. Law and Human Behavior, 43(1), 1-8.
- Kovera, M.B. & Levett, L.M. (2019). Lay participation in legal decision making. Handbook of Legal and Investigative Psychology (Ray Bull and Iris Blandon-Gitlin, Eds.). Routledge Press.
- Henderson, K.S. & Levett, L.M. (2019). Influence of the advocate: How do attorneys influence plea decisions? Advances in Psychology and Law (Brian Bornstein and Monica Miller, Eds.). New York, NY, Springer.
- Liu, L., Miller, S. L., & Visher, C. A. (2019). The strain of procedural injustice in parole among former prisoners: A test with a mixed-gender sample. Justice Quarterly, 38(4), 653-677.
- Liu, L., & Miller, S. (2019). Intersectional Approach to top executive white‐collar offenders’ discourses: A case study of the Martha Stewart and Sam Waksal insider trading scandal. Sociological Inquiry, 89(4), 600-623.
- Liu, L., & Visher, C. A. (2019). The crossover of negative emotions between former prisoners and their family members during reunion: A test of general strain theory. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 58(7), 567-591.
- Liu, L., Visher, C. A., & O’Connell, D. J. (2019). The strain from procedural injustice on parolees: Bridging procedural justice theory and general strain theory. Crime & Delinquency, 66, 250–276.
- Liu, L., Sun, I. Y., & Lin, K. (2019). Exploring the effects of conditioning factors on the strain crime association: A test on incarcerated Chinese women. Sociological Inquiry, 89, 1– 27. Visher, C. A., O’Connell, D. J., & Liu, L., (2019). Violent offending, desistance, and recidivism, Marquette Law Review, 103, 983-1006.
- Marsiglio, William. (2019). Kids Who Tri: Transforming Youth and Youth Sports Culture. Bookbaby.
- Jeffries, William, Tunalilar, Ozcan, Marsiglio, William, and Dana Berkowitz. (2019). “Fatherhood desires and being bothered by future childlessness among U.S. Gay, Bisexual, and Heterosexual men—United States, 2002-2015.” Journal of GLBT Family Studies, DOI: 10.1080/1550428X.2019.1652876.
- Mook, A. and C. Overdevest. 2019. Fairtrade Credentialism: Towards understanding certified producer organizations’ perceptions of Fairtrade as a credential. Globalizations. 17(1):110-125. DOI: 10.1080/14747731.2019.1638113
- Arroyo, J., C. Peek, and B. Zsembik. 2019. “Ain’t Nobody Got Time for Dad?: Racial Disproportionalities in Nonresident Father Involvement in Child Welfare Systems.” Child Abuse and Neglect 93: 182196.
- Klarenberg, G., R. Munoz-Carpena, S.G. Perz, C. Baraloto, M. Marsik, J. Southworth, L. Zhu. 2019. “A Spatial-Temporal Database to Evaluate Road Development Impacts in a Coupled NaturalHuman System in a Tri-National Frontier in the Amazon.” Nature Scientific Data 6(93): 1-12.
- Stephen Perz, Editor. 2019. Collaboration Across Boundaries for Social-Ecological Systems Science: Experiences Around the World. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave MacMillan for Springer Nature.
- Stephen Perz. 2019. “Introduction: Collaboration Across Boundaries for Social-Ecological Systems Science.” Chapter 1 (pp. 1-34) in Collaboration Across Boundaries for Social-Ecological Systems Science: Experiences Around the World. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave MacMillan for Springer Nature.
- Stephen Perz, Rafael Munoz-Carpena, Gregory Kiker, Jane Southworth, Chris Baraloto, Galia Selaya, Matt Marsik. 2019. “Scientists and Stakeholders, Data and Diagnostics: Crossing Boundaries for Modeling the Impacts of Highway Paving in a Tri-National Frontier in the Amazon.” Chapter 10 (pp. 327-360) in Collaboration Across Boundaries for Social-Ecological Systems Science: Experiences Around the World. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave MacMillan for Springer Nature.
- Stephen G. Perz. 2019. “Crossing Boundaries for Collaboration in Comparative Perspective: Key Insights, Lessons Learned and Recommendations for Future Practice.” Chapter 12 (pp. 395-430) in Collaboration Across Boundaries for Social-Ecological Systems Science: Experiences Around the World. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave MacMillan for Springer Nature.
- Rivera, J. (2019). “Suing the Banks for Financing Terror: A Case Study of Linde v. Arab Bank.” Journal of Money Laundering Control, Vol. 22 No. 4, pp. 858-867.
- Rivera, J. (2019). “Potential Negative Effects of a Cashless Society: Turning Citizens into Criminals and other Economic Dangers.” Journal of Money Laundering Control, Vol. 22 No. 2, pp. 350-358.
- Arroyo J, Zsembik B, & Peek C. 2019. “Ain’t nobody got time for Dad? Racial-ethnic disproportionalities in child welfare casework practice with nonresident fathers.” Child Abuse & Neglect 47: 140-152.
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