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Sociology and Criminology & Law

Christine Overdevest




Associate Professor, Sociology



Turlington 3113


By appointment






Christine Overdevest received her Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Wisconsin in 2005.



  • Principles of Sociology (Online)

  • Principles of Sociology (Live)

  • Classical Social Theory

  • Sociology of Globalization

  • Economic Sociology

  • Environmental Sociology

  • Environmental Governance


Areas of Specialization

  • Environmental and Natural Resources

  • Sociology and Economic Sociology

Selected Publications

  • Overdevest, C. and Zeitlin, J. 2015. Forest Law Enforcement Governance and Trade (FLEGT): Transnational Dynamics of an EU Experimentalist Regime In Extending Experimentalism? The European Union and Transnational Regulation, Jonathan Zeitlin (ed). Oxford University Press.

  • Overdevest, C. and J. Zeitlin. 2014. “Assembling an Experimentalist Regime: Transnational Governance Interactions in the Forest Sector Revisited.” In Laszlo Bruszt and Gerald McDermott, Eds., Assembling Level Playing Fields: Transnational Regulatory Integration and Institutional Change in Emerging Markets. Oxford University Press.

  • Overdevest, C. and J. Zeitlin. 2014. Assembling an Experimentalist Regime: Transnational Governance Interactions in the Forest Sector. Regulation & Governance, 8, 22-48

  • Overdevest, C. and J. Zeitlin. 2014. Constructing a Transnational Timber Legality Assurance Regime: Architecture, Accomplishments, Challenges. Forest Policy and Economics. 48:(6- 15).

  • Overdevest, C. and Lisa Christiansen. 2013. Predicting Risk Perceptions of Expert Stakeholders in a Florida Water Supply Planning Process. Society and Natural Resources 26:9, 987-1007

  • Boyer, TH, Overdevest C. Christiansen, L. and Ishii SK. 2012. Expert Stakeholder Attitudes and Support for Alternative Water Sources in a Groundwater Depleted Region. Science of the Total Environment. 437:245-54.

  • Overdevest, Christine. 2011. Towards a More Pragmatic Theory of Markets, Theory and Society. 40(5): 533-553.

  • Overdevest, Christine, Alena Bleicher, and Matthias Gross. 2010. The Experimental Turn in Environmental Sociology: Pragmatism and New Forms of Governance. In Environmental Sociology: European Perspectives and Interdisciplinary Challenges. Pp. 279-294. Matthias Gross and Harald Heinrichs, (Eds.) Springer: New York.

  • Overdevest, Christine. 2010. Comparing Forest Certification Schemes: The Case of Ratcheting Standards in the Forest Sector. Special Issue on Law and Legitimacy in Transnational Governance Socio-Economic Review. 8(1):47-76.

  • Overdevest, Christine and Brian Mayer. 2010. Citizen Science and the Next Generation of Environmental Law. In Beyond Environmental Law. David Driesen and Alyson Flournoy, (Eds), Pp. 109-128. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

  • Overdevest, Christine and Brian Mayer. 2008. Harnessing the Power of Information through Community Monitoring: Insights from Social Science. Texas Law Review. (86)7:1493-1526.

  • Perz, Stephen G., Brilhante, S., Brown, F., Caldas, M., Ikeda, S., Mendoza, E., Overdevest, C. Reis, V., Fernando Reyes, J., Rojas, D., Souza, C., Walker, R. 2008. Road building, land use and climate change: prospects for environmental governance in the Amazon. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 363 (1498):1889-1897.

  • Perz, Stephen G. C. Overdevest, E.Y. Arima, M.M. Caldas, and R.T. Walker. 2007. Official Road Building in the Amazon: Dilemmas and Models for Road Governance. Environmental Conservation. 34: 112-121.

  • Overdevest, Christine and Mark G. Rickenbach. 2006. Forest Certification and Institutional Governance: An Empirical Study of Forest Stewardship Council Certificate Holders in the United States. Forest Policy and Economics. 9(1):93-102.

  • Rickenbach, Mark G. and Christine Overdevest. 2006. More than Markets: Assessing FSC Certification as a Policy Tool. Journal of Forestry. 104(3):143-147.

  • Overdevest, Christine. 2005. Information Politics, Treadmill Politics, and Public Policy: Toward a Political Economy of Information. Organization and Environment. 18: 72-90.

  • Overdevest, Christine. 2004. Codes of Conduct and Standard Setting in the Forest Sector: Constructing Markets for Democracy? Industrial Relations/Relations Industrielles. 59(1):172-198.

  • Overdevest, Christine, Cailin S. Orr, and Kristine Stepenuck 2004. Volunteer Stream Monitoring and Local Participation in Natural Resource Issues. Human Ecology Review. Winter 2004:177-185.

  • Gergel, Sarah, E., Bennett, E.M., Greenfield, B.K., King, S., Overdevest, C., and B. Stumborg. 2004. A Test of the Environmental Kuznets Curve Using Long-term Watershed Inputs. Ecological Applications. 14(2):555–570.

  • Overdevest. Christine. 2003. Readings in Environmental Governance. Course Syllabus. In Rik Scarce and Michael Mascarenhas. (Eds). Syllabi and Instructional Material in Environmental Sociology, 5th edition. Washington, D.C.: American Sociological Association.

  • Cordell, H. Ken and Christine Overdevest. 2001. Footprints on the Land: Population Trends the Future of Natural Resources in the United States. Champaign: Sagamore Publications.

  • Overdevest, Christine. 2000. Participatory Democracy, Representative Democracy, and the Nature of Diffuse and Concentrated Interests: a Case Study of Public Involvement on a National Forest District. Society and Natural Resources: An International Journal. 13: (7) 685-696.

  • Tarrant, Michael, Overdevest, C. Bright, A., Cordell, H.K. and English, D.B.K. 1997.

    Rural Resident Attitudes Toward Ecosystem Management: An Examination of

    Attitude Change and Behavioral Prediction. Society and Natural Resources: An International Journal. 10 (6): 537-550.

  • Overdevest, Christine and Gary P. Green. 1995. Forest Dependence and Community Well- Being. A Segmented Market Approach. Society and Natural Resources: An International Journal. 8 (2) 111-131.