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Sociology and Criminology & Law

Lora Levett







Lora M. Levett is an Associate Professor of Criminology, Law and Society. She received her PhD from Florida International University in legal psychology with a minor in social psychology in 2005. She has received grants from the National Science Foundation for her research on expert evidence, jury decision making, and eyewitness identification. Her work has appeared in Law and Human Behavior, Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, Behavioral Sciences and the Law, and other peer reviewed and law review outlets. She is currently serving on the Executive Committee of the American Psychology-Law Society (AP-LS) as the Secretary and as an Associate Editor for Law and Human Behavior, the premier outlet for psychology and law research. She has received awards for scholarship, teaching, and service to the profession. She has also consulted as an expert witness, educating attorneys, judges, and jurors about eyewitness identification evidence.


Undergraduate Courses

  • CJL3038: Law and Society
  • CCJ4037: Psychology and Law

Graduate Courses

  • CCJ6936: Proseminar in Crime, Law and Justice
  • CCJ7921: Professional Development
  • CCJL6090: Law and Social Science


Dr. Levett’s research program uses social and cognitive psychological theory and methods to answer questions about human behavior in the context of the legal system. Court rulings, policy decisions, implementation of law, and legal procedures are often based on common sense assumptions about how people behave, and the practical implementation of these rules affect millions of people every day. The ultimate goals of Dr. Levett’s program of research include improving legal decision making, expanding what we know about basic human behavior through using the legal system as an applied laboratory, contributing to basic social science literature, and informing science-based best practices in policy and practice.

Dr. Levett also runs the Legal, Eyewitness, and Applied Decision Making Laboratory in Psychology and Law Laboratory (LEAD Psychology and Law Lab) at the University of Florida. In the lab, graduate and undergraduate students collaborate with Dr. Levett to address research questions under the umbrella of legal decision making. More information about Dr. Levett’s research, students, and lab can be found on the lab homepage.



Lora M. Levett, Ph.D.
Associate Professor and Undergraduate Coordinator Criminology, Law & Society
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Office: Turlington Hall, Room 3336
PO Box 117330
Department of Sociology and Criminology & Law
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32611