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Sociology and Criminology & Law

Awards & Scholarships

The Department of Sociology and Criminology & Law offers travel awards, teaching awards, and research awards to graduate students. Students are also eligible for travel, teaching, and research awards from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, the Graduate School, and the University. Students are eligible for awards and scholarships from the American Sociological Association, Population Association of America, the National Science Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, and other disciplinary organizations.

Select a section below for Awards and Scholarships


Competitive travel awards are funded by the department, college, and university to support student travel for presentation of research at national and regional professional conferences.


Ronald L. Akers Graduate Student Paper Award.

Paper Requirements: Papers should not exceed 30 double-spaced pages and the paper should be a polished manuscript suitable for peer- review submission. Co-authored papers are acceptable if all authors are students.

Deadline: March 15th

Process: a CLS faculty member must nominate Student paper. The letter of nomination must accompany the paper submission by the deadline.

Selection: A Committee of Two CLS faculty members (with an alternate) will review all submissions and make final selection. The committee members will serve a 3 year term.

Award: Plaque will be placed in conference room. The awardee will receive name on plaque and travel support to present paper at professional conference above and beyond any standard travel money received that year. Student will also be honored at a Research Symposium (and present paper there).


2023Bomi Jin:
Does Time Spent with Peers Matter for Adolescent Substance Use? Evidence from Variation in the Timing of School Returns during the COVID-19 Pandemic
2022Wonki Lee:
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and Delinquency: The Role of Low Self-Control
2020Tom Smith:
Gang crackdowns and offender centrality in a county-wide co-offending network: A networked evaluation of “Operation Triple Beam”.
2018Abigail Novak:
The school-to-prison pipeline: An assessment of the association between suspension and justice system contact using structural equation modeling.
2017Jihoon Kim
2017Yeung-Jeom Kim
2015Lindsay Leban
2009John Stogner:
An Examination of the Relationship between Adolescent Health and Delinquency in a Nationally Representative Sample: A Structural Equations Modeling Approach.
2008Joy (Eunyoung) Kim:
Peer Association vs. Peer Influence: An Empirical Test of Social Learning and Social Bonding Theory by Eunyoung Kim (Joy) and Da-Hoon Kwak.
2006Wesley Jennings:
Regional Variations in Punitiveness for White-Collar Offenders: A Re-analysis of the Crisis in the Savings and Loan Industry
Gorman Award for Excellence in Quantitative Research. $400 awarded annually to one person for a sole-authored graduate student quantitative analysis.


2022Wonki Lee
2020Abigail Novak
2019Yu (Dorothy) Du
2018Yeung Jeom Lee
2017Thomas Smith
2016Zoe Arthurson-McColl
2015Ozcan Tunalilar
2012John Boman

Dahlem-Shenkman Law Enforcement Award. Awarded annually to one person for research related to law enforcement. Additional details are available here.

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS)

The Graduate School

Graduate Student Teaching Assistant Awards. Graduate teaching assistants make a major contribution to teaching and learning at the University of Florida. Each academic year, the UF Graduate School recognizes the best, brightest and most industrious of the University of Florida’s graduate teaching assistants for their work as instructors in the classroom and laboratory.
Graduate Teaching Assistant Awards (opens in new tab)


2024Shelby Mikkelson
2022Joseph Hoft
2009Bryan Miller

Dissertation Fellowships. Several fellowship are dedicated to supporting graduate students to complete their dissertation and earn the doctorate.

  • Delores Auzenne Dissertation Award. Named in honor of Delores Auzenne, this award is designed to assist underrepresented minority students in completing their dissertation work. The program provides competitively awarded stipends to Ph.D. candidates who are in the advanced writing stages of their dissertations at UF. Students who are appointed on a state-funded fellowship or assistantship are not eligible. Interested students who meet the eligibility requirements are invited to apply to the OGMP.
  • Graduate School Dissertation Awards. The Graduate School Dissertation Award is a competitive award to provide final term funding for UF PhD candidates in selected majors in the humanities, arts, and social sciences to complete their dissertations through defense, final clearance by the Editorial Office, and graduation. This program is for students who have exhausted all funding and meant to allow recipients time and resources to focus exclusively on their dissertation.
    The program provides a stipend for approximately 6 months. The period of the award will be 1) Summer B and Fall 2012, or 2) Spring 2013 and Summer A. Up to 5 credits of tuition at the instate rate will be provided. Students are expected to graduate at the end of the award period. Applicants may not receive a fellowship, assistantship, or other funding with this award.
  • Supplemental Retention Scholarships. The UF OGMP Supplemental Retention Scholarship Program is designed for UF doctoral students who are three or fewer semesters away from graduation, but are no longer eligible to receive a fellowship, assistantship or other funding from their department or college. It provides limited tuition assistance and the help of a structured retention program under the UF Office of Graduate Minority Programs. Recipients must be US citizens or permanent resident aliens.

Grinter Fellowship. Named in honor of Dr. Linton E. Grinter, Dean of the Graduate School from 1952 to 1969, this fellowship helps recruit truly exceptional graduate students. Currently enrolled graduate students are not eligible, except when entering a Ph.D. (or other terminal degree) program. Stipends are normally $2000 to $4000. Continuing the Grinter Fellowship beyond the first year depends on satisfactory student progress.

UF Foundation. Website (opens in new tab)

National Research and Disciplinary Organizations