Start by reviewing all the information and complete all instructions on the UF Office of Admissions graduate admission webpage (opens in new tab).
Once you are ready to begin the application process, create an account here (opens in new tab).
On-line application: includes $30 processing fee, statement of purpose, letters of recommendation, and writing sample:
- The statement of purpose should describe the applicant’s reasons for undertaking graduate study in criminology, including both educational and personal experiences that have influenced the decision to attend graduate school. It should also describe the applicant’s future career plans. The statement should identify a potential faculty mentor they would want to work with and identify a potential faculty mentor they would want to work with and describe the planned area of concentration within criminology if it has already been chosen.
- The most useful letters of recommendation are from college instructors who can address the applicant’s readiness to do graduate work in criminology.
- Official GRE and TOEFL scores sent by ETS (code 5812)
- Official transcripts for each undergraduate, graduate, and professional degree completed or in progress sent by the university or college where the degree was earned
- Upload a copy of your CV or resume. Pursuant to Florida Statute, your application requires inclusion of all post-high school education and employment, as well as information about ongoing international affiliations and research funding. Please ensure this information is included on your curriculum vitae (CV) or résumé.
- Upload a statement of purpose. You may send a longer statement of purpose to the Academic Assistant, Stephanie Hathcox.
- Upload a writing sample. Alternatively, you may send the writing sample as an email attachment to Stephanie Hathcox.
- Please send questions about the program and admission process to the Graduate coordinator, Dr. Monika Ardelt.