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Sociology and Criminology & Law

Alin Ceobanu






Alin M. Ceobanu earned his Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2004. He joined the University of Florida faculty in the same year as an Assistant Professor. His research draws on large data sets and explores cross-nationally the determinants of attitudes toward immigrants and immigration policies in Europe, national attachments, and public support for democracy. Current projects focus on the perceived impact of immigration and on rights extension to immigrants in Eastern and Western European countries.

Most recently, his work has appeared in the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies and Ethnic and Racial Studies, as well as in The Handbook of Citizenship and Migration (ed. By Marco Giugni and Maria Grasso). At the University of Florida, he has taught courses on Immigrants and Immigration Policies in Europe (graduate), Quantitative Research Methods/Research Methods in Criminology, Law, and Society (graduate), Political Sociology (graduate and undergraduate), Methods of Social Research (undergraduate), Nationalism and Ethnicity in Europe (undergraduate), Culture and Identity in Europe (undergraduate), and Social Problems (undergraduate).



Undergraduate Courses

  • SYA 4300: Methods of Social Research
  • SYA 4930: Culture and Identity in Europe
  • SYD 4701: Nationalism and Ethnicity in Europe
  • SYG 2010: Social Problems
  • SYO 4300: Political Sociology

Graduate Courses

  • SYA 7933/CCJ 5934: Intro to Quantitative Research Methods
  • SYA 7933: Political Sociology


Areas of Specialization

  • European Migration
  • Cross-National Comparative Studies
  • Nationalism and Ethnicity
  • Political Sociology

Alin Ceobanu’s research is comparative and focuses on cross-country examinations of public attitudes toward immigrants and immigration in Europe, national attachments, and democratic support. Other research interests include social and political order and change, particularly in the former communist countries of Europe, and intergroup relations (racial and ethnic).

Selected Publications

  • Escandell, X. and A. M. Ceobanu. 2024. “Ethnonational Diversity in Europe and Variation in Immigrant Deservingness amidst Institutional Turmoil.” Pp. 77-94 (Ch. 5) in The Handbook of Migration, Ethnicity and Diversity, ed. by T. Tsuda, Edward Elgar Publishing, ISBN: 978 1 80088 478 6.
  • Tezcan, T.*, T. E. Gedik* and A. M. Ceobanu. 2023. “Religiosity dynamics among recently arrived Turkish marriage migrants in Germany.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, vol. 49, no. 19, pp. 5027-5051. (* indicates former doctoral students).
  • Sorek, T. and A. M. Ceobanu. 2022. “Benjamin Netanyahu as a mobilizing symbol in ethno-class divisions among Jewish Israelis, 2009-2021.” Ethnic and Racial Studies, vol. 45, no. 10, pp. 1961-1982.
  • Ceobanu, A. M. and X. Escandell. 2021. “Public Attitudes toward Granting Citizenship Status and Extending Rights to Immigrants in European Countries.” Pp. 118-134 (Ch. 8) in M. Giugni and M. Grasso (eds.), The Handbook of Citizenship and Migration, Elgar Handbooks in Migration Series, Cheltenham, UK, and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing, ISBN 978 1 78990 312 6. (
  • A. M. Ceobanu and T. Koropeckyj-Cox. 2013. “Should International Migration Be Encouraged to Offset Population Aging? A Cross-Country Analysis of Public Attitudes in Europe” Population Research and Policy Review 32/2: 261-284.
  • X. Escandell and A. M. Ceobanu. 2013. “Immigration and the Welfare State in Western Societies: Ethnic Heterogeneity, Redistribution and the Role of Institutions” Pp. 422-433 in Steven J. Gold and Stephanie J. Nawyn (eds.), The Routledge International Handbook of Migration Studies (ISBN 978-0415- 77972-2), ‘Routledge International Handbooks’ Series, London and New York: Routledge.
  • X. Escandell and A. M. Ceobanu. 2012. “When Contact with Immigrants Matters: Threat, Interethnic Attitudes and Foreigner Exclusionism in Spain’s Comunidades Autónomas” Pp. 44-68 in Martin Bulmer and John Solomos (eds.), Migration: Policies, Practices, Activism (ISBN 978- 0415686310), London and New York: Routledge.
    • Reprint of the original article published in Ethnic and Racial Studies (2009).
  • A. M. Ceobanu and X. Escandell. 2011. “Paths to Citizenship? Public Views on Rights Extension to Legal and Second-generation Immigrants in Europe” British Journal of Sociology 62/2: 221-240.
  • A.M. Ceobanu, C. H. Wood, and L. Ribeiro. 2011. “Crime Victimization and Public Support for Democracy: Evidence from Latin America” International Journal of Public Opinion Research 23/1: 56-78.
    • Winner of the 2011 Robert M. Worcester Award from the World Association of Public Opinion Research.
  • A. M. Ceobanu. 2011. “Usual Suspects? Public Views about Immigrants’ Impact on Crime in European Countries” International Journal of Comparative Sociology 52/1-2: 114-131.
  • X. Escandell and A. M. Ceobanu. 2010. “Nationalisms and Anti-Immigrant Sentiment in Spain” South European Society and Politics 15/2: 157-179.
  • A. M. Ceobanu and X. Escandell. 2010. “Comparative Analyses of Public Attitudes toward Immigrants and Immigration Using Multi- National Survey Data: A Review of Theories and Research” Annual Review of Sociology 36: 309-328.
  • T. Sorek and A. M. Ceobanu. 2009. “Religiosity, National Identity, and Legitimacy: Israel as an Extreme Case” Sociology 43/3: 477-496.
    • Nominated for the 2010 SAGE Prize for Innovation and/or Excellence.
  • Escandell and A. M. Ceobanu. 2009. “When Contact with Immigrants Matters: Threat, Interethnic Attitudes and Foreigner Exclusionism in Spain’s Comunidades Autónomas”. Ethnic and Racial Studies 32/1: 44-69.
    • Reprinted in Martin Bulmer and John Solomos (eds.), Migration: Policies, Practices, Activism (ISBN 978-0415686310), London and New York: Routledge, 2012, pp. 44-68.
  • A. M. Ceobanu and X. Escandell. 2008. “East Is West? National Feelings and Anti-Immigrant Sentiment in Europe” Social Science Research 37/4: 1147-1170.
  • C. McPhail, D. S. Schweingruber, and A. M. Ceobanu. “A Perception Control Theory of Collective Action” Pp. 57-83 in Kent A. McClelland and Thomas J. Fararo (eds.), Purpose, Meaning, and Action: Control Systems Theory in Sociology (ISBN 978-1403967985). New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    • Review by Roy F. Baumeister (Florida State University) in the American Journal of Sociology, vol. 113, no. 5 (March 2008), pp. 1169-1170.


Alin M. Ceobanu, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Sociology
Office: Turlington Hall, Room 3338
PO Box 117330
Department of Sociology and Criminology & Law
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32611