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Jodi Lane studies Fear of Crime and gangs among the public and among juvenile and criminal offenders. Her research typically focuses on refining theoretical ideas and methodological approaches to gather more insight on the causes and consequences of fear. She also studies Justice Research and conducts surveys and evaluation research to examine the experiences of people who work in and experience the justice system.
- B.A. Criminal Justice, Indiana University, 1990
- M.A. Criminal Justice, Indiana University, 1992
- Ph.D. Social Ecology with Concentration in Criminology, Law & Society, University of California, Irvine, 1998.
2017-2020 University of Florida Research Foundation (UFRF) Professorship
Listed as one of the most productive criminologists in Ellen G. Cohn & David P. Farrington (2014), “Publication Productivity of Criminologists,” Journal of Criminal Justice Education 25/3: 275-303.
Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences 2013 Outstanding Mentor Award
Listed as one of “The Most Prolific Female Scholars in Elite Criminology and Criminal Justice Journals, 2000-2010” in Henriikka Weir and Erin Orrick (2013). Journal of Criminal Justice Education 24/3: 273-298.
Listed as one of “The Most Prolific Sole and Lead Authors in Elite Criminology and Criminal Justice Journals 2000-2009” in Erin A. Orrick and Henriikka Weir (2011). Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 22/1: 24-42.
Personal Webpage
Undergraduate Courses
- CJC 4010: Introduction to Corrections
- CJJ 4010: Juvenile Justice
Graduate Courses
- CCJ 5934: Gangs, Community and Policy
- CCJ 5934: Juvenile Justice
- CCJ 5934: Reactions to Crime
- CJC 6120: Corrections & Public Policy
- CCJ 6285: Criminal Justice Process
- CCJ 6712: Evaluation Research
- CCJ 6936/SYA 7933: Proseminar
- CCJ 7921: Professional Development
Areas of Interest
- Fear of Crime
- Crime Policy
- Corrections
- Juvenile Justice
- Evaluation Research
Selected Publications
Fear of Crime
Lane, Jodi, Armstrong, Gaylene S., & Kathleen A. Fox. (2019). “Fear of Victimization Among Incarcerated Gang and Non-Gang Youths: Examining the Effects of Institutional “Neighborhood” Characteristics and Gang Membership”. Youth & Society 51/3: 417-439. (Published February)
Lane, Jodi and James W. Meeker. (2016). “Fear of Gangs: A Summary and Directions for New Research.” Pp. 170-193 in Psychology of Fear, Crime and the Media: International Perspectives, edited by Derek Chadee. Psychology Press.
Lane, Jodi, Nicole E. Rader, David C. May, Bonnie S. Fisher & Billy Henson. (2014). Fear of Crime in the United States: Causes, Consequences, and Contradictions. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press.
https://cap-press.com/books/isbn/9781611630664/Fear-of-Crime-in-the-United-States (opens in new tab)
Lane, Jodi & Kathleen A. Fox. (2013). “Fear of Property, Violent, and Gang Crime: Examining the Shadow of Sexual Assault Thesis among Male and Female Offenders.” Criminal Justice and Behavior 40: 472-496. (Lead article)
Lane, Jodi & Kathleen A. Fox. (2012) “Fear of Crime among Gang and Non-Gang Offenders: Comparing the Impacts of Perpetration, Victimization, and Neighborhood Factors.” Justice Quarterly 29: 491-523.
Justice Research
Fox, Kathleen A., Jodi Lane, and Susan Turner. (2018). Encountering Correctional Populations: A Practical Guide for Researchers. University of California Press. ISBN: 9780520293571.
https://www.ucpress.edu/book/9780520293571/encountering-correctional-populations (opens in new tab)
Lane, Jodi. (2018). “Addressing Juvenile Crime: What Have We Learned and How Should We Proceed?” Criminology and Public Policy, 17/2: 283-307. (Published May)
Lane, Jodi, and Lonn Lanza-Kaduce (2018). “The Problem of Incarcerating Children with Adults.” Pp. 601-626 in Oxford Handbook on Prisons and Imprisonment edited by John Wooldredge and Paula Smith. New York: Oxford University Press.
Lanza-Kaduce, Lonn, Jodi Lane, and Kristen Benedini. (2018). The Effects of Religion on the Prisonization of Incarcerated Juveniles in Faith-Based Facilities. Pp. 120-144 In Finding Freedom in Confinement: The Role of Religion in Prison Life. edited by Kent R. Kerley. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger. ISBN-13: 978-1440850318
Cook, Carrie L., & Jodi Lane (2017). “Responding to Incidents of Sexual Victimization in Correctional Institutions: Correctional Officer Perspectives.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 6(15) 1651-1681. doi:10.1177/0306624X16631347
Cook, Carrie L.*, & Jodi Lane. (2017). “Blaming the Victim: Perceptions about Incarcerated Sexual Assault Victim Culpability among a Sample of Jail Correctional Officers.” Victims & Offenders, 12(3): 347-380.; Published online November 2015; http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15564886.2015.1065531 (opens in new tab)).
Garcia, Crystal A. and Jodi Lane. (2013) “What a Girl Wants, What a Girl Needs: Findings from a Gender-Specific Focus Group Study.” Crime & Delinquency 59/4: 536-561. published online April 3, 2009 as doi:10.1177/0011128709331790
Professional Development
Lane, Jodi. (2016). “Tips for Working toward Tenure at an R1 University.” ACJS Today, 16/4, pp. 1-15. (September)
Lane, Jodi. (2015). “Getting Yourself to Write: Tips for Graduate Students and New Scholars.” ACJS Today, 15/3, pp. 12-21.
Jodi Lane, Ph.D.
Professor and Associate Chair
Office: Turlington Hall, Room 3332
Email: jlane@ufl.edu
Phone: (352) 294-7179
PO Box 117330
Department of Sociology and Criminology & Law
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32611