The Department of Sociology and Criminology & Law is home to a thriving community of academics who produce high quality work that we value and wish to highlight. The following are recent publications from faculty within our department.
A more complete list of publications can be found on each faculty member’s CV, accessibly through the directory page. Please note that some of the links below may require institutional or individual access to journals.
- Ardelt, Monika and Bhavna Sharma. 2023. “The Benefits of Wise Organizations for Employee Well-Being.” Business and Professional Ethics Journal, 42(2), 171204. doi: 10.5840/bpej2023614140.
- Ardelt, Monika, Juensung J. Kim, and Michel Ferrari. 2023. “Does Self-Transcendent Wisdom Mediate the Relation between Spirituality and Well-Being? A Test Across Six Nations.” Journal of Happiness Studies, 24(5), 1683–1702. doi: 10.1007/s10902-023-00637-3.
- Kastner-Wilcox, R. Kay, Sabine Grunwald, Monika Ardelt, Stefan Gerber, and Tracy Irani. “Assessing the Risk Perception of Soil Degradation Using a College Student Sample.” Soil Security, 10(100083): 1-11.
- Treiber, L. A, E. W. Sterling, and R. Ghadge. 2023. “Exploring Racial and Ethnic Identities with PechaKucha.” Currents in Teaching and Learning 15(1): 38-50, September.
- David Smilde, Verónica Zubillaga and Rebecca Hanson. 2023. The paradox of violence in Venezuela: Revolution, crime, and policing during Chavismo. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press.
- Rebecca Hanson, David Smilde, and Verónica 2023. “Introduction: The paradox of violence in Venezuela”. In The paradox of violence in Venezuela: Revolution, crime, and policing during Chavismo, eds. David Smilde, Verónica Zubillaga, and Rebecca Hanson. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press.
- Rebecca Hanson and David Smilde. 2023. “Who is responsible and what should be done? Public opinion on crime and citizen security reform in Venezuela”. In The paradox of violence in Venezuela: Revolution, crime, and policing during Chavismo, eds. David Smilde, Verónica Zubillaga, and Rebecca Hanson. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press.
- Leonard Gómez Núñez and Rebecca Hanson. 2023. “The Pressure to Bring in a Body: How Systematic Killing Transformed Police Raids and Gangs in Post-Chávez Venezuela”. In The paradox of violence in Venezuela: Revolution, crime, and policing during Chavismo, eds. David Smilde, Verónica Zubillaga, and Rebecca Hanson. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press.
- Rebecca Hanson, David Smilde, and Veronica Zubillaga. 2023. “Explaining violence in times of revolution: Final reflections and emerging agendas for research”. In The paradox of violence in Venezuela: Revolution, crime, and policing during Chavismo, eds. David Smilde, Verónica Zubillaga, and Rebecca Hanson. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press.
- Joo, Won-tak. 2023. “The Educational Gradient in Social Network Changes at Disease Diagnosis.” Social Science & Medicine 317: 115626.
- Liu, L. (2023). Contacting the police for assistance: Findings from a sample of undocumented Latino immigrants. Police Practice and Research.
- Kahler, J., Reynald, D., and Gore, M. (2023). “I let it go:” Quantifying residential wildlife guardianship intentions when witnessing wildlife poaching. Biological Conservation 227:
- Levett, L.M. (2023). “Jury decision making.” In D. DeMatteo & K. Scherr (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Psychology & Law. Oxford University Press.
- Marsiglio, William. (2023). Chasing We-ness: Cultivating Empathy and Leadership in a Polarized World. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
- Mook, A., C. Overdevest, J. Lusk. 2023 World Society and the Convergence of Consumer Values: Buying Patterns of Eco-Certification in the UAE” Business Strategy and Development. DOI: 10.1003/bsd2.242
- Stephen G. Perz and Jorge Luis Castillo Hurtado. 2023. The Road to the Land of the Mother of God: A History of the Interoceanic Highway in Peru. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.
- Pilar Morales-Giner , Martina Laura Speranza, Marliz Arteaga, Andrea Baudoin Farah, Sinomar Ferreira Da Fonseca Junior, Angélica García Villacorta, Martha Rosero Peña, and Stephen Perz. 2023. “Political Ecology Explanations for Ineffective Environmental Governance for Sustainability in the Amazon: A Comparative Analysis of Cases from Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, and Peru.” Journal of Political Ecology 30(1):25-61. DOI:
- O’Connor, KE, Tomlinson, CA, … Zsembik, BA. 2023. “Childhood adversity moderates the change in latent patterns of psychological adjustment during the COVID-19 pandemic: Results of a survey of U.S. adults.” Social Sciences.Publication missing? Please submit your publications for inclusion through the Publications Form.