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Sociology and Criminology & Law

2022-2023 Department Graduate Student Awards Announced

The Department of Sociology and Criminology & Law is proud to recognize the exceptional achievements of our graduate students in our department. These awards are a testament to the hard work, dedication, and excellence of our students.

For more information about the awards offered by the department, please visit our Awards & Scholarship page (

Ronald L. Akers Graduate Student Paper Award: Bomi Jin, for their project titled, “Does Time Spent with Peers Matter for Adolescent Substance Use? Evidence from Variation in the Timing of School Returns during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Jerome A. Connor Dissertation Award: Rosario Fernandez-Romero, for their project titled, “Reconstructing Immigrant Childhoods: Language Brokering in Latinx Families

Gorman Research Methods Award*: Luis Rondan-Vasquez (Sociology), for their project titled, “Identifying Socio-demographic and Job-related Factors that Increase the Likelihood of Precarious Work in Peru

Department Teaching Award for Criminology: Gissel Perez

Department Teaching Award for Sociology: Barbi Sanchez

* This award is typically awarded to one graduate student in Sociology and one graduate student in Criminology. Unfortunately, there were no applicants for the Gorman Research Methods Award in Criminology, and thus no award granted