The Department of Sociology and Criminology & Law is home to a thriving community of academics who produce high quality work that we value and wish to highlight. The following are recent publications from faculty within our department.
A more complete list of publications can be found on each faculty member’s CV, accessibly through the directory page. Please note that some of the links below may require institutional or individual access to journals.
- Alvero, A., Giebel, S., Gebre-Medhin, B., antonio, a., Stevens, M., Domingue, B.(2021) “Essay Content and Style are Strongly Related to Household Income and SAT Scores: Evidence from 60,000 Undergraduate Applications.” (Science Advances).
- Ardelt, M., & Bruya, B. (2021). “Three-dimensional wisdom and perceived stress among college students.” Journal of Adult Development, 28, 93–105.
- Ardelt, Monika and Bhavna Sharma. 2021. “Linking Wise Organizations to Wise Leadership, Job satisfaction, and Well-Being.” Frontiers in Communication: Organizational Psychology, 6(685850), 1-23.
- Charlotte Tuohy and Marian J. Borg. 2021. “Female Gender Identity and Judicial Courtroom Demeanor.” Journal of Undergraduate Research. Spring.
- Gau, J.M., Brooke, E.J., Paoline III, E.A. & Roman, K.L. (2021). Military Experience among Police Officers: An Examination of Veterans’ Attitudes Toward the Community. Policing: An International Journal, 44(6), 1060-1076. DOI: 10.1108/PIJPSM-05-2021-0070
- Davis, B.K. & Brooke, E.J. (2021). Making Better Offenders? Exploring the Perception of the CSI Effect among College Students. Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 32(4), 446-463. DOI: 10.1080/10511253.2021.1912128
- Cobbina, J., LaCourse, A., Brooke, E.J. & Chaudhuri, S. (2021). Protesting During a Pandemic: Narratives on Risk Taking and Motivation to Participating in the 2020 March on Washington. Crime & Delinquency, 67(8), 1195-1220. DOI: 10.1177/0011128721999333
- Ceobanu, Alin M. and Xavier Escandell. 2021. “Public Attitudes toward Granting Citizenship Status and Extending Rights to Immigrants in European Countries.” Pp. 118-134 (Ch. 8) in Marco Giugni and Maria Grasso (eds.), The Handbook of Citizenship and Migration, Elgar Handbooks in Migration Series, Cheltenham, UK, and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing, ISBN 978 1 78990 312 6. (
- Kendler, Kenneth S., Henrik Ohlsson, Sean Clouston, Abigail A. Fagan, Jan Sundquist, and Kristina Sundquist. 2021. “The Causal Effect of Resilience on Risk for Drug Abuse: A Swedish National Instrumental Variable, Co-Relative, and Propensity-Score Analysis.” Psychological Medicine 51(5): 846-852.
- Fagan, Abigail A. 2021. “Developmental Prevention Programs Intended to Change Peer Risk and Protective Factors: A Review of the Evaluation Literature.” Journal of Developmental and Life-Course Criminology 7(1): 87-111.
- Kendler, Kenneth S., Henrik Ohlsson, Abigail A. Fagan, Paul Lichtenstein, Jan Sundquist, and Kristina Sundquist. 2021. “Evidence for a Causal Relationship Between Academic Achievement and Cigarette Smoking.” Nicotine and Tobacco Research 23(2): 334-340.
- Graeme Blair, Fotini Christia, Cyrus Samii, Jeremy Weinstein (lead authors), with Eric Arias, Emile Badran, Robert A. Blair, Ali Cheema,Thiemo Fetzer, Guy Grossman, Dotan Haim, Rebecca Hanson, Ali Hasanain, Ben Kachero, Dorothy Kronickk, Benjamin Morse, Robert Muggah, Matthew Nanes, Nico Ravanilla, Jacob N. Shapiro, Barbara Silva, Tara Slough, Pedro C. L. Souza, Lily Tsai, Anna Wilke, Susan Hyde. 2021. “Does Community Policing Build Trust in Police and Reduce Crime? Evidence from Six Coordinated Field Experiments in the Global South” Science Magazine 374: 1-14.
- Rebecca Hanson and Verónica Zubillaga. 2021. “From carceral punitivism to systematic killing: The necropolitics of policing in post-Chávez Venezuela” Violence: An International Journal 2(1): 65-84.
- Rebecca Hanson and Patricia Richards. 2021. “Acoso sexual en el campo: Género, raza, nación y la construcción del conocimiento etnográfico” Polis, Revista Latinoamericana Vol 59.
- Verónica Zubillaga and Rebecca Hanson. 2021. “Del punitivismo carcelario a la matanza sistemática: El avance de los operativos militarizados en la era post-Chávez”. In La muerte nuestra de cada día: Violencia armada y políticas de seguridad ciudadana en Venezuela, edited by Verónica Zubillaga, Manuel Llorens, and Francisco Sánchez. Bogotá, Colombia: Universidad del Rosario.
- Verónica Zubillaga, Rebecca Hanson, and Andrés Antillano. 2021. “The mutation of gangs as a response to militarization in Caracas barrios” in International Handbook of Critical Gang Studies, eds. David C. Brotherton and Rafael Gude. New York: Routledge Press.
- Kahler, J. and Rinkus, M. (2021). Women and wildlife crime: Hidden offenders, protectors, and victims. Oryx 55(6), 835-843.
- Kahler, J., Rivera, J., Steele, Z., A., Giner-Morales, P., Rivera, C., Ahossin, C., Kaur, A., & Episcopio-Sturgeon, D (2021). Advancing applied research in conservation criminology through the evaluation of corruption prevention, enhancing compliance, and reducing recidivism. Frontiers in Conservation Science:
- Lane, Jodi and Ashley Price Kuhn. (2021). “In the Shoes of George Zimmerman: The Impact of Promotion of Mistrust, Subcultural Diversity and Fear of Crime on Expected Personal Reactions.” Security Journal, 34: 47-76. DOI 1057/s41284-019-00207-4.
- Levett, L.M., Haigh, C.B., & Perez, G. (2021). Toward a broader framework of eyewitness identification behavior. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition. 10(3), 341-345.
- Kutateladze, B., & Liu, L. (2021). Using split hierarchical logistic modelling to estimate the effects of prosecutors’ race and sex on racial disparities in prosecution. Justice Quarterly.
- Liu, L., Visher, C. A., O’Connell, D. J., & Sun, D. (2021). When post-incarcerated individuals return to high-risk neighborhoods: staying out of trouble, social withdrawal, and mental health. Crime & Delinquency.
- Liu, L., Lazazzara, G., & Meldrum, R. (2021). How violence victimization undermines the outcome of employment via mental health among returning citizens. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 38, 6407-6434.
- Meldrum, R., Bolger, M., & Liu, L. (2021). Maternal low self-control, maternal attachment, parenting practices, and adolescent low self-control: A prospective 15-year study. Journal of Developmental and Life-Course Criminology.
- Liu, L., Bachman, R., Qiu, J., & Sun, D. (2021). Do both petty and serious female offenders have shorter incarcerations than their male counterparts? Testing the universality of chivalrous treatment. Women & Criminal Justice.
- Liu, L., Visher, C. A., & Sun, D. (2021). Do released prisoners’ perceptions of neighborhood condition affect reentry outcomes? Criminal Justice Policy Review, 32(7), 764-789.
- Liu, L., & Visher, C. A. (2021). Decomposition of the role of family in reentry: Family support, tension, Gender, and reentry outcomes. Crime & Delinquency, 67(6-7), 970-996.
- Liu, L., & Visher, C. A. (2021). The roles of family, community, and services in the prevention of illicit drug use: Findings from a sample of released prisoners. Journal of drug issues, 51(2), 358-375.
- Liu, L., Visher, C. A., & O’Connell, D. J. (2021). Strain during reentry: A test of general strain theory using a sample of adult former prisoners. The Prison Journal,
- Liu, L., & Bachman, R. (2021). Self-identity and persistent offending: A quantitative test of identity theory of desistance. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 60, 1-17.
- Liu, L., Dunlea, R. R., & Kutateladze, B. L. (2021). Time for time: Uncovering case processing duration as a source of punitiveness. Crime & Delinquency.
- Sheibling, Casey and Marsiglio, William. #Health dads: (2021). “Fit fathering” discourse and digital health promotion in dad blogs.” Journal of Marriage and Family, 83 (4), 1227-1242.
- Mook, A. and C. Overdevest. 2021. What Drives Market Construction for Fair Trade, Organic, and GlobalGAP Certification in the Global Citrus Value Chain? Evidence at the Importer Level in the Netherlands and the United States. Business Strategy & Environment. 30(7):2996-3008. DOI: 10.1002/bse.2784
- Stephen Perz, Marliz Arteaga, Andrea Baudoin Farah, I. Foster Brown, Elsa Renee Huaman Mendoza, Yara Araújo Pereira de Paula, Leonor Mercedes Perales Yabar, Alan dos Santos Pimentel, Sabina C. Ribeiro, Guillermo Rioja-Ballivián, Martha Cecilia Rosero Peña, L. Cecilia Sanjinez L., and N. Galia Selaya G. 2021. “Participatory Action Research Methods for Conservation and Development: Experiences from the Amazon.” Sustainability 14:233. DOI:
- Stephen Perz, Guillermo Rioja, I. Foster Brown, Miroslava Frias, Elsa Mendoza, Armando Muñante, Mercedes Perales, Vera Reis, and Juan Fernando Reyes. 2021. “The Contributions of Transboundary Networks to Environmental Governance: The Legacy of the MAP Initiative.” Geoforum 128:78-91. DOI:
- Pilar Morales-Giner , Martina Laura Speranza, Marliz Arteaga, Andrea Baudoin Farah, Sinomar Ferreira Da Fonseca Junior, Angélica García Villacorta, Martha Rosero Peña, and Stephen Perz. 2021. “Multi-criteria Frameworks to Improve the Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Environmental Governance in the Amazon.” Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 4:1-7. DOI:
- Espin, Johanna, and Stephen Perz. 2021. “Environmental Enforcement to prevent green crimes in Artisanal and Small-scale Gold Mining (ASGM).” Extractive Industries and Society. DOI:
- Milien, Jean, Karla Rocha, I. Foster Brown, and Stephen Perz. 2021. “Roads, Deforestation and the Mitigating Effect of the Chico Mendes Extractive Reserve in the Southwestern Amazon.” Trees, Forests and People 3.
- Adams, BA, Applebaum, JW, Eliasson, MN, McDonald, SE, & Zsembik, BA. 2021. “Child and pet care-planning during COVID-19: Considerations for the evolving family unit.” Family Relations, 70(3):705-16.
- Applebaum, JW, Ellison, C, Struckmeyer, L, Zsembik, BA, & McDonald, SE. 2021. “The impact of pets on everyday life for older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic.” Frontiers in Public Health, 9: 292.
- McDonald, SE, O’Connor, KE, … Zsembik, BA. 2021. “Attachment to pets moderates transitions in latent patterns of mental health following the onset of COVID-19 pandemic: Results of a survey of U.S. adults.” Animals 11(3): 705-16.
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