The Department of Sociology and Criminology & Law is home to a thriving community of academics who produce high quality work that we value and wish to highlight. The following are recent publications from faculty within our department.
A more complete list of publications can be found on each faculty member’s CV, accessibly through the directory page. Please note that some of the links below may require institutional or individual access to journals.
- Ardelt, M. (2020). Can wisdom and psychosocial growth be learned in university courses? The Journal of Moral Education, 49, 30-45. (opens in new tab)
- Grossmann Igor, Nic M. Weststrate, Monika Ardelt, Justin P. Brienza, Mengxi Dong, Michel Ferrari, Marc A., Fournier, Chao S. Hu, Howard C. Nusbaum, and John Vervaeke. 2020. “The Science of Wisdom in a Polarized World: Knowns and Unknowns.” Psychological Inquiry, 31(2), 103-133. doi: 10.1080/1047840X.2020.1750917.
- Lenes, Emi, Jacqueline Swank, Mercedes Machado, Stephanie Darilus, Sondra Smith, Monika Ardelt, Kimberly Hart, Mary Rockwood Lane, and Ana Puig. 2020. “Color-Conscious Multicultural Mindfulness (CCMM) Training in the Counseling Field.” Journal of Counseling & Development, 98, 147-158. doi: 10.1002/jcad.12309.
- Brooke, E.J. (2020). Service Experience Varies: Exploring the Association between Military Service and Prison Misconduct among State Inmates. Corrections: Policy, Practice, and Research, 5(4), 292–313. DOI: 10.1080/23774657.2018.1542284
- Baldwin, J.M., Eassey, J., & Brooke, E.J. (2020). Court Operations during the COVID-19 Pandemic. American Journal of Criminal Justice, 45, 743–758. DOI: 10.1007/s12103-020-09553-1
- Moreto, W.J., Gau, J.M., & Brooke, E.J. (2020). Pill Mills, Occupational Offending, and Situational Crime Prevention: A Framework for Analyzing Offender Behavior and Adaptation. Security Journal, 33, 161–178. DOI: 10.1057/s41284-019-00180-y
- Hughes, Nathan, Michael Ungar, Abigail A. Fagan, Joseph Murray, Olayinka Atilola, Kitty Nichols, Joana Garcia, and Stuart Kinner. 2020. “Health Determinants of Adolescent Criminalisation.” The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health 4(2): 151-162.
- Buckley, Pamela Buckley, Abigail A. Fagan, Fred C. Pampel, and Karl G. Hill. 2020. “Making Evidence-Based Interventions Relevant for Users: A Comparison of Requirements for Dissemination Readiness across Program Registries.” Evaluation Review 44(1): 51-83.
- Kotlaja, Marijana M., Abigail A. Fagan and Emily M. Wright. 2020. “Perceptions of Danger, Tolerance of Delinquency, and Economic Disadvantage: Examining Neighborhood Influences on Child Physical Abuse.” Child Abuse and Neglect 106: 104562.
- Chilenski, Sarah M., Keryn E. Pasch, Ashley Knapp, Elizabeth Baker, Rhonda C. Boyd, Camille Coiffi, Brittany Cooper, Abigail A. Fagan, Laura Hill, Leslie Leve, and Kelly Rulison. 2020. “The Society for Prevention Research 20 Years Later: A Summary of Training Needs.” Prevention Science 21: 985-1000.
- Kendler, Kenneth S., Henrik Ohlsson, Abigail A. Fagan, Paul Lichtenstein, Jan Sundquist, and Kristina Sundquist. 2020. “Nature of the Causal Relationship Between Academic Achievement and the Risk for Alcohol Use Disorder.” Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 81(4): 446-453.
- Fagan, Abigail A. 2020. “Child Maltreatment and Aggressive Behaviors in Early Adolescence: Evidence of Moderation by Parent/Child Relationship Quality.” Child Maltreatment 25(2): 182191.
- Benedini, Kristen M. and Abigail A. Fagan. 2020. “From Child Maltreatment to Adolescent Substance Use: Different Pathways for Males and Females?” Feminist Criminology 15(2): 147173.
- Gattone, C.F. (2020) A Balanced Epistemological Orientation for the Social Sciences. Lanham ; Boulder ; New York ; London: Lexington Books.
- Chenane, J.L., Wright, E.M., & Gibson, C.L. (2020). “Traffic stops, race, and perceptions of fairness.” Policing and Society: An International Journal of Research and Policy, 30, 720-737.
- Smith, T., & Gibson, C.L. (2020). “Marital strain support and alcohol use: Results from a twin design statistically controlling for genetic confounding.” Substance Use & Misuse, 55(3), 429-440.
- Leban, L., & Gibson, C.L. (2020). “The role of gender in the relationship between adverse childhood experiences and delinquency and substance use in adolescence.” Journal of Criminal Justice, 66, 1-11.
- Rebecca Hanson and Patricia Richards. 2020. “What does sexual harassment tell us about the construction of ethnographic knowledge?” ASA Footnotes 47(5):4-6.
- Rebecca Hanson and Patricia Richards. 2020. “La etnografía corporizada en tiempos de pandemia: ¿A dónde vamos desde aquí?” LASA Forum 52(1): 24-28.
- Verónica Zubillaga and Rebecca Hanson. 2020. “Shoutings, scoldings, and whispers: Mother´s responses to armed actors and militarization in two Caracas barrios” Kellogg Working Paper Series, December 440: 1-33.
- Verónica Zubillaga and Rebecca Hanson. 2020. “Del punitivismo carcelario a la matanza sistemática”. In Dicen que están matando gente: Violencia armada y políticas de seguridad ciudadana en Venezuela, eds. Verónica Zubillaga and Manuel Llorens, pp.273-302. Madrid: Editorial Dahbar.
- Joo, Won-tak and Jason Fletcher. “Out of Sync, Out of Society: Political Beliefs and Social Networks.” Network Science 8(3):445-468.
- Kahler, J. (2020). “Invited commentary- Alarm call: innovative study highlights the need for robust conservation crime science to effectively impede specialized songbird trafficking.” Animal Conservation, 23, 149-150. IMF: 3.650.
- Kahler, J., Liu, R., Newcomb, T., Herbst, S., and Gore, M. (2020). “Public risk perceptions associated with Asian carp introduction and corresponding response actions.” Management of Biological Invasions, 11(1), 80-95.
- Lane, Jodi and Kathleen A. Fox. (2020). “Race and Ethnic Differences in Fear of Property, Personal, and Gang Crime among People Involved in Crime: Testing the Effects of Social Disorganization.” Victims & Offenders, 15/4: 395-417.
- Goldberg, L., Guillen, N., Hernandez, N., & Levett, L.M. (2020). Obstacles and barriers after exoneration. Albany Law Review, Miscarriages of Justice, 83, 829-854.
- O’Neil, S. & Levett, L.M. Central Park Five. (2020). Criminal Justice in America: The Encyclopedia of Crime, Law Enforcement, Courts, and Corrections. ABC-CLIO, Inc.
- Levett, L.M. (2020). Eyewitness identification. Criminal Justice in America: The Encyclopedia of Crime, Law Enforcement, Courts, and Corrections. ABC-CLIO, Inc.
- Henderson, K.S. & Levett, L.M. (2020). The effects of variations in confession evidence and need for cognition on jurors’ decisions. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, 26(3), 245-260.
- Costanzo, M. & Levett, L.M. (2020). The American Psychology-Law Society scientific review paper on the collection and preservation of eyewitness identification evidence. Law and Human Behavior, 44(1), 1-2.
- Liu, L. (2020). The conditions for progressive rights to bring about social change. Contemporary Justice Review, 1-17.
- Liu, L. (2020). Family, parochial, and public levels of social control and recidivism: An extension of the systemic model of social disorganization. Crime & Delinquency, 66(6-7), 864-886.
- Liu, L. (2020). Parole, neighborhood, and reentry failure: A contextualized analysis. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology.
- Liu, L., & Miller, S. (2020). Protective factors against juvenile delinquency: exploring gender with a nationally representative sample of youth. Social Science Research, 86, 102-136.
- Liu, L., Miller, S., Qiu, J., & Sun, D. (2020). An early adverse experience goes a long, criminogenic, gendered way: The nexus of early adversities, adult offending, and gender. Women & Criminal Justice.
- Tali Kristal, Yinon Cohen, and Edo Navot. (2020) “Workplace Compensation Prac- tices and the Rise in Benefit Inequality.” American Sociological Review 85, no. 2: 271-297.
- Zeitlin, J. and C. Overdevest. 2020. Experimentalist Interactions: Joining up the Transnational Timber Legality Regime. Regulation & Governance. 15(3):686-708. doi:10.1111/rego.12350a
- Applebaum, J., C. Peek, and B. Zsembik. 2020. “Examining U.S. Pet Ownership Using the General Social Survey.” The Social Science Journal.
- Sabina C. Ribeiro, Galia Selaya, Stephen G. Perz, I. Foster Brown, Fernando A. Schmidt, Richarlly de Costa Silva, and Fiama Ricardo de Lima. 2020. “Aligning Conservation and Development Goals with Rural Community Priorities: Capacity Building for Monitoring Forest Health in an Extractive Reserve in Brazil.” Ecology and Society 25(3): article 5.
- Andrea Chavez Michaelsen, Leticia Huamani Briceño, Hector Vilchez Baldeon, Stephen Perz, Julia Quaedvlieg, Rafael O. Rojas, I. Foster Brown, and Raul Pinedo Mora. 2020. “The effects of climate change variability on rural livelihoods in Madre de Dios, Perú.” Regional Environmental Change 20:70.
- Denis Valle, Matthew Marsik, Jacy Hyde, and Stephen G. Perz. 2020. “Case-control sampling improves inference on rare binary outcomes from remote sensing data.” Remote Sensing 12:1268. DOI:
- Stephen Perz and Rafael Rojas. 2020. “Do Infrastructure Improvements for Regional Integration Increase Traffic Volume? The Case of the Inter-Oceanic Highway in the Southwestern Amazon.” Journal of Latin American Geography 19(2): 243-264.
- Rivera, J. (2020). Law & The Legal Process: Supplemental Reading. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt Publishing. ISBN: 9781792439162.
- Applebaum, JW, Adams, BA, Eliasson, MN, Zsembik, BA, & McDonald, SE. 2020. “How pets factor into healthcare decisions for COVID-19: A One Health perspective.” One Health, 11, 100176.
- Applebaum, JW, Tomlinson, CA, Matijczak, A, McDonald, SE, Zsembik, BA. 2020. “The concerns, difficulties, and hardships of caring for pets during COVID-19: Results from a large survey of U.S. pet owners.” Animals, 10(10), 1882.
- Applebaum, JW & Zsembik, BA. 2020. “Pet attachment in the context of family conflict.” Anthrozoös, 33(3), 361-370.
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