The Department of Sociology and Criminology & Law is home to a thriving community of academics who produce high quality work that we value and wish to highlight. The following are recent publications from faculty within our department.
A more complete list of publications can be found on each faculty member’s CV, accessibly through the directory page. Please note that some of the links below may require institutional or individual access to journals.
- Ardelt, M., & Grunwald, S. (2018). “The Importance of self-reflection and awareness for human development in hard times.” Research in Human Development, 15, 187-199.(opens in new tab) (opens in new tab)
- Ardelt, M., Gerlach, K. R., & Vaillant, G. E. (2018). “Early and midlife predictors of wisdom and subjective well-being in old age.” The Journals of Gerontology, Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 73, 1514–1525.(opens in new tab) (opens in new tab)
- Ardelt, M., Pridgen, S., & Nutter-Pridgen, K. L. (2018). The relation between age and three-dimensional wisdom: Variations by wisdom dimensions and education. The Journals of Gerontology, Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 73, 1339–1349.(opens in new tab) (opens in new tab)
- Ardelt, M., & Jeste, D. (2018). Wisdom and hard times: The ameliorating effect of wisdom on the negative association between adverse life events and well-being. The Journals of Gerontology, Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 73, 1374–1383.(opens in new tab) (opens in new tab)
- Bruya, B., & Ardelt, M. (2018). Wisdom can be taught: A proof-of-concept study for fostering wisdom in the classroom. Learning and Instruction, 58, 106–114. (opens in new tab)
- Bruya, Brian and Monika Ardelt. 2018. “Fostering Wisdom in the Classroom, Part 1: A General Theory of Wisdom Pedagogy.” Teaching Philosophy, 41(3), 239-253. doi: 10.5840/teachphil201882889.
- Bruya, Brian and Monika Ardelt. 2018. “Fostering Wisdom in the Classroom, Part 2: A Curriculum.” Teaching Philosophy, 41(4), 349-380. doi: 10.5840/teachphil2018112096.
- Ashley Wellman and Marian J. Borg. 2018. “Envisioning Justice: The Complex Journey of Cold Case Homicide Survivors.” Violence and Victims 33:1102-1123.
- Brooke, E.J. & Gau, J.M. (2018). Military Service and Lifetime Arrests: Examining the Effects of the Total Military Experience on Arrests in a Sample of Prison Inmates. Criminal Justice Policy Review, 29(1), 24-44. DOI: 10.1177/0887403415619007
- Abigail A. Fagan and Abigail Novak. 2018. “Adverse Childhood Experiences and Adolescent Delinquency in a High-Risk Sample: A Comparison of White and Black Youth.” Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice 16(4): 395-417.
- Fagan, Abigail A. “A Roadmap for Advancing the Science of Gang Prevention.” Criminology and Public Policy 17(4): 945-951.
- Kendler, Kenneth S., Henrik Ohlsson, Abigail A. Fagan, Paul Lichtenstein, Jan Sundquist, and Kristina Sundquist. 2018. “Academic Achievement and Risk for Drug Abuse: Causally Informative Analyses Using Instrumental Variable and Co-Relative Designs.” JAMA Psychiatry 75(11): 1182-1188.
- Gibson, Chris L. and Abigail A. Fagan. 2018. “An Individual Growth Model Analysis of Childhood Spanking on Change in Externalizing Behaviors During Adolescence: A Comparison of Whites and African Americans Over a 12-year Period.” American Behavioral Scientist 62(11): 1463-1482.
- Kotlaja, Marijana M., Emily M. Wright, and Abigail A. Fagan. 2018. “Neighborhood Parks: Risky or Protective Contexts for Youth Substance Use?” Journal of Drug Issues 48(4): 657-675.
- Benedini, Kristen M. and Abigail A. Fagan. 2018. “A Life-course Developmental Analysis of the Cycle of Violence.” Journal of Developmental and Life-Course Criminology 4: 1-23.
- Ghadge, R. 2018. “Connections and Disconnections: The Making of Bombay/Mumbai as India’s ‘Global City’.” Journal of Global Initiatives: Policy, Pedagogy, Perspective 13(1): 55-76. doi: 10.32727/11.2018.232.
- Ghadge, R. 2018. “Inclusive growth and the urban question: Some lessons from Asia,” in Kris Bezdecny and Kevin Archer (ed.), Handbook of Emerging 21st-Century Cities, Northampton, Massachusetts: Edward Elgar Publishing Inc, pp. 245-269. doi: 10.4337/9781784712280.00022.
- Frogner, L., Gibson, C.L., Andershed, A., & Andershed, H. (2018). “Childhood psychopathic personality and callous-unemotional traits in the prediction of conduct problems.” American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 88(2), 211-225.
- Rebecca Hanson. 2018. “Deepening distrust: Why participatory experiments aren’t always good for democracy” The Sociological Quarterly 59(1): 145-167.
- Rebecca Hanson and Pablo Lapegna. 2018. “Popular participation and governance in Kirchner’s Argentina and Chavez’s Venezuela: Recognition, incorporation, and supportive mobilisation” Journal of Latin American Studies 50(1): 153-182.
- Verónica Zubillaga and Rebecca Hanson. 2018. “Del punitivismo carcelario a la matanza sistemática: El avance de los operativos militarizados en la era post-Chávez” REVISTA M. Estudos sobre a Morte, os Mortos e o Morrer 3(5): 32-52.
- Rebecca Hanson. 2018. Ethnographies of security: Pushing security studies beyond the bounds of international relations. Introduction to special issue “Ethnographies of security”. Qualitative Sociology 41(2): 135-144.
- Koropeckyj-Cox, Tanya, Zeynep Copur, Victor Romano, and Susan Cody-Rydzewski. 2018. “University Students’ Perceptions of Parents and Childless/Childfree Couples.” Journal of Family Issues, 39, 155-179.
- Joo, Won-tak, Chan Joo Lee, Jaewon Oh, In-cheol Kim, Sang-hak Lee, Seok-min Kang, Hyeon Chang Kim, Sungha Park, and Yoosik Youm. “The Association between Social Network Betweenness and Coronary Calcification: A Baseline Study on Patients with a High Risk of Cardiovascular Disease.” Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis 25(2): 131-141.
- Fox, Kathleen A., Jodi Lane, and Susan Turner. (2018). Encountering Correctional Populations: A Practical Guide for Researchers. University of California Press. ISBN: 9780520293571.
- Lane, Jodi. (2018). “Addressing Juvenile Crime: What Have We Learned and How Should We Proceed?” Criminology and Public Policy, 17/2: 283-307.
- Lane, Jodi, and Lonn Lanza-Kaduce (2018). “The Problem of Incarcerating Children with Adults.” Pp. 601-626 in Oxford Handbook on Prisons and Imprisonment edited by John Wooldredge and Paula Smith. New York: Oxford University Press.
- Lanza-Kaduce, Lonn, Jodi Lane, and Kristen Benedini. (2018). The Effects of Religion on the Prisonization of Incarcerated Juveniles in Faith-Based Facilities. Pp. 120-144 In Finding Freedom in Confinement: The Role of Religion in Prison Life. edited by Kent R. Kerley. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger. ISBN-13: 978-1440850318
- Henderson, K.S. & Levett, L.M. (2018). Investigating predictors of true and false guilty pleas. Law and Human Behavior, 42(5), 427-441.
- Kienzle, M.R. & Levett, L.M. (2018). A novel paradigm for examining alibi corroboration and evidence interaction: Does a confession affect the likelihood of alibi corroboration for friends and strangers? Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, 24(3), 353-364.
- Liu, L., Sun, I. Y., & Liu, J. (2018). Police officers’ attitudes toward citizens in China. International Criminal Justice Review, 28(1), 45-61.
- Tali Kristal, Yinon Cohen, and Edo Navot. (2018) “Benefit Inequality among Amer- ican Workers by Gender, Race, and Ethnicity, 1982–2015.” Sociological Science. Vol. 5: Num. 20, pgs. 461-488.
- Zachary Sheaffer, Levy Shalom, and Edo Navot. (2018) “Fears, discrimination and perceived workplace promotion.” Baltic Journal of Management, Vol. 13 Issue: 1, pp.2-19.
- Tod Van Gunten and Edo Navot. (2018) “Varieties of Indebtedness: Financialization and mortgage market institutions in Europe.” Social Science Research, Volume 70, Pages 90-106.
- Overdevest C. and J. Zeitlin. 2018. Experimentalism in Transnational Forest Governance: Implementing Forest Law Enforcement Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Voluntary Partnership Agreements in Indonesia and Ghana. Regulation & Governance 12(1):64-87
- G. Klarenberg, R. Munoz-Carpena, M.A. Campos-Bescos, and S.G. Perz. 2018. “Highway Paving in the Southwestern Amazon Alters Long-term Trends and Drivers of Regional Vegetation Dynamics.” Heliyon 4: 1-40. Online first: e00721, doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2018.
- Stephen Perz, Heather Covington, Johanna Espin, Lauren Griffin, Ginger Jacobson, Anneloes Mook, Flavia Leite, Christine Overdevest, Tameka Samuels-Jones, and Ryan Thomson. 2018. “Future Directions for Applications of Political Economy in Environmental and Resource Sociology: Selected Research Priorities Going Forward.” Environmental Sociology 18(4): 470-487.
- Alexander Pfaff, Juan Robalino, Eustaquio J. Reis, Robert Walker, Stephen Perz, William Laurance, Claudio Bohrer, Steven Aldrich, Eugenio Arima, Marcellus Caldas, and Katherine Kirby. 2018. “Roads & SDGs, Tradeoffs and Synergies: Learning from Brazil’s Amazon in Distinguishing Frontiers.” Economics: The Open Access, Open Assessment E-Journal 12: 1-26.
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